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HomeNepal Postal CodesPostal Codes of Nepal Province 1

Postal Codes of Nepal Province 1

Postal Codes of Nepal Province 1 are listed here to know. Know more about them

Postal Codes are one of the most important things needed when you are sending parcels or letters locally or internationally. Simply, Postal codes are generally combinations of letters, digits, and other characters. What is my postal code should be well known for these.

Here we are presenting the postal code of Nepal Province 1. Before going to that, we should know about the first province of Nepal (Province of Nepal. Altogether there are 7 provinces of Nepal. They, Province 1 of Nepal is one of them.  These postal codes are based on different aspects are given the special postal code service.

Postal Codes of Nepal Province 1
Postal Codes of Nepal Province 1


So Before knowing what is postal code of different places of Nepal is, let’s know a bit about the province of Nepal.

Nepal Province 1

Nepal Province  1  is the easternmost province of Nepal established by the new constitution of Nepal containing   28 parliamentary seats and 56 provincial seats. This province includes the geographical division of the Himalayan, Hilly, and Terai regions. The  Himalayan region is in the north, the Hilly region is in the middle, and the Terai region is in the southern part of Nepal.

Province  1 of Nepal covers an area of 25,905 km2   and regarding the altitude, it varies from  70 m to 8,848 m.

Biratnagar which is a major industrial city of Nepal is the headquarter of Province 1. , This province overs other major towns which include Damak, Dharan, Itahari, Inarua, and Birtamod.

Resources in Province 1 of Nepal

This province includes several important mountains.  Everest, Kanchenjunga, Makalu are some of the major Himalayan mountains in this province. In the same way, The Koshi river which is a larger river o Nepal lies as the province’s western boundary. Mechi River, Kankai River, Koshi River (SaptaKoshi) which lies in this province 1 are important resources of Nepal.

Province 1 of Nepal is rich not only in water it also contains lots of natural resources. By culture, it’s rich in sources. This province includes different popular religious places for Hindus like Pathivara Temple, Haleshi Mahadev Temple,  and Barahachhetra.

Regarding border Province 1 of Nepal is bordered by the Tibet Autonomous Region of China in the north, Sikkim and West Bengal  in the  east, Bihar in the south, and Bagmati Pradesh and Province No. 2 to the west side of it 


Nepal Province 1 District Lists

In the first province of Nepal, there are 14 different districts. First, need to know about them for the postal code Nepal to be known. They are listed as follows :

  1. Bhojpur District
  2. Dhankuta District
  3. Ilam District
  4. Jhapa District
  5. Khotang District
  6. Morang District
  7. Okhaldhunga District
  8. Panchthar District
  9. Sankhuwasabha District
  10. Solukhumbu District
  11. Sunsari District
  12. Taplejung District
  13. Terhathum District
  14. Udayapur District

What are the Postal codes of Nepal?

The postal codes of Nepal include 5 digits unique numbers. They are just like the pin number of each and every area. So, what is the postal code of Nepal? Let’s go following.

In the overall postal code of Nepal Kathmandu and the postal code of Pokhara are widely used by lots of people from outside to send letter parcels and others.

Here are the province 1 postal code of Nepal consists of Taplejung Postal codes, Jhapa postal code, Illam postal code, Panchthar Postal codes, Sankhuwasava postal code, Bhojpur postal code, Morang Postal codes, Udaypur Postal codes, Okhaldhunga Postal codes, Solukhumbu Postal codes, Khotang Postal codes, Sunsari Postal codes, Dhankuta Postal codes, Terathum Postal codes.

The postal codes of province 1 ( Nepal postal codes) are  listed details with pin are as follows :

Lists of Postal codes of Nepal Province 1 

Solukhumbu Postal codes

The solukhumbu postal codes for the solukhumbu districts of Nepal are as follows:

  • Solukhumbu D.P.O.         56000
  • Namche Bazar                   56002
  • Sotang                                  56004
  • Jubu                                      56005
  • Nele                                      56006
  • Necha                                   56007
  • Shishakhola                        56008
  • Himganga                            56009
  • Lukla                                      56010

Okhaldhunga Postal codes

The postal code of okhaldhunga is 56100 in common. the different postal codes are listed as per the area wise in this space. The list of okhaldhunga postal codes are :

  • Okhaldhunga D.P.O.       56100
  • Khani Bhanjyang              56101
  • Rumjatar                             56102
  • Rampur                                56104
  • Bigutar                                  56105
  • Khiji Phalate                       56106
  • Gamanangtar                    56107
  • Ghorakhori                         56108
  • Chyanam                             56109
  • Mane Bhanjyang              56110
  • Moli                                       56111
  • Ragani                                   56112

Khotang Postal codes

The khotang postal codes are 56200 in common. The other area in khotang as khotang postal codes are follow :

  • Khotang D.P.O.                 56200
  • Wakshila                              56201
  • Aiselukharka                      56202
  • Jalpa                                      56204
  • Lamidanda                          56205
  • Halesi mahadevasthan  56206
  • Buipa                                     56208
  • Manebhanjyang               56209
  • Sapteshworichhitapokhari                     56210
  • Khotang                               56211
  • Chisapani                             56212
  • Simpani                                56214

Udaypur Postal codes

the udayapur postal codes is 56300 and other different areas postal codes are as follows

  • Udayapur D.P.O.              56300
  • Ratapani (Toksila)            56301
  • Beltar                                    56302
  • Hadiya                                  56303
  • Pokhari                                 56305
  • Baraha                                  56306
  • Bhutar                                  56307
  • Rampur Ghilke                  56308
  • Udayapur gadhi                56309
  • Katari                                    56310
  • Sorung Chhabise              56311
  • Rauta Murkuchi                56312

Morang Postal codes

The morang postal codes of Nepal is 56600. The other areas of the morang postal codes are of following:

  • Morang (E.R.P.D.)            56600
  • Chunimari                           56601
  • Rangeli                                 56602
  • Sanischare                          56603
  • Urlabari                                56604
  • Madhumalla                       56605
  • Bayarban                             56606
  • Sorabhag                             56607
  • Dadarberiya                       56608
  • Letang                                  56609
  • Kerabari                               56610
  • Haraincha                            56611
  • Bhaudaha                            56612
  • Biratnagar Bazar               56613
  • Rani Sikiyahi                       56614
  • Jhorahat                              56615
  • Banigama                            56616
  • Bansbari                               56617

Sunsari Postal codes

The sunsari postal code is 56700 . The othere sunsari postal codes are as follows:

  • Sunsari D.P.O.                   56700
  • Mangalbare                        56702
  • Chatara                                56703
  • Bakalauri                              56704
  • Itahari                                   56705
  • Simariya                               56706
  • Duhabi                                  56707
  • Chimadi                                56708
  • Jhumka                                56709
  • Inarauwa                             56710
  • Aurabari                               56711
  • Dewangunj                         56712
  • Madhuban                          56713
  • Laukahee                            56714
  • Bhutaha                               56715
  • Mahendra Nagar              56716
  • Chhitaha                              56717

Dhankuta Postal codes

The dhandkuta postal codes of nepal is 56800. Other areas in dhankuta postal codes are as follow:

  • Dhankuta D.P.O.               56800
  • Mudhebash                       56801
  • Rajarani                                56802
  • Dandabazar                        56803
  • Bhedetar                             56804
  • Ankhisalla                            56805
  • Hile                                        56806
  • Muga                                    56807
  • Teliya                                    56808
  • Pakhribash                          56809
  • Leguwa                                56810
  • Mare Katahare                  56811
  • Arknaule                              56812
  • Chungmang                        56813

Sankhuwasava postal code ,Bhojpur postal code, Terathum Postal codes

The Postal code of sankhuwasava, bhojpur, terathum is 57100. The other areas postal code are following:

  • Terhathum D.P.O.            57100
  • Jirikhimti                              57102
  • Tinjure                                  57103
  • Basantapur                         57104
  • Sudap                                   57105
  • Hamarjung                          57106
  • Morahang                           57107
  • Pokalawang                        57108
  • Mulpani                               57110
  • Iwa                                         57111

Jhapa postal code, Illam postal code,Panchthar Postal codes

Jhapa postal code, Illam postal code,Panchthar Postal codes  is 57400 . Other postal codes are :

  • Panchthar D.P.O.              57400
  • Chyangthapu                     57401
  • Ambarpur                           57402
  • Namluwa                             57403
  • Yangnam                             57404
  • Nawamidanda                   57406
  • Mehelbote                         57407
  • Yasok                                    57408
  • Mauwa                                 57409
  • Rabi                                       57410
  • Limba                                    57411
  • Medibung                           57412

Taplejung Postal codes

The taplejung postal code sis 57500. The other areas in taplejung with taplejung postal codes are following:

  • Taplejung D.P.O.              57500
  • Khewang                             57501
  • Sadeba                                 57502
  • Sinam                                    57503
  • Pedang                                 57504
  • Thechambu                        57505
  • Siwang                                  57506
  • Khokling                               57507
  • Olangchunggola                57508
  • Thokimba                            57509
  • Dobhan                                57510
  • Change                                 57511
  • Hangpang                            57512

These are the current list of province 1 postal codes of Nepal. Mostly used postal code of Nepal is the postal code of Nepal Kathmandu is one of the important listings we should know. Hope if you are in province 1 of Nepal you might have known “What is my postal code “?





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