Connected to Wi-Fi but there is No Internet: This article will be an absolute godsend for anybody using Windows 10 or 11 who is struggling with problems connected to a Wi-Fi connection. You may eliminate the problem quickly and easily by putting the ideas presented here into action.
On our Windows-based computers and laptops, we all make use of WiFi. You have the option of making use of an internal WiFi adapter, which is more common in laptops. Or an external WiFi adapter, which is more common in desktop computers.
Despite the fact that the adapter is performing flawlessly, there may be instances when you have difficulties with the network connection. This is due to the fact that the system may be unable to share the connection with other components or servers of your system, despite the adapter being able to receive and read the connectivity.
In circumstances like these, it is not uncommon to have problems associated with WiFi. Fixing the issue might be as easy as downloading and installing an updated version of the 802.11n WLAN driver or restarting the routers. Therefore, let’s have a look at some straightforward fixes to the problem so that we may correct it.
Troubleshooting and Fixing the Connected to Wi-Fi but there is No Internet Error on Windows.
The following is a list of the most effective fixes that may assist you in removing the WiFi issue that has been occurring on your device, with relative simplicity. We recommend that you go through all of the fixes in chronological order in order to get rid of the issue as soon and efficiently as possible. You will undoubtedly be successful in removing the mistake by using one or more of these fixes.
Fix 1: Connected to Wi-Fi: Update the Driver
Updating the driver for the network is one possible solution to the problems that are associated with the WIFI. To connect to the internet on your device, you will need a network adapter, as you may already be aware.
Only if the drivers for this adapter are up to date will it operate in tandem with your operating system. The driver is a collection of files inside the operating system that together determine the functionality, performance, and connection of any device to the system.
As a result, maintaining an up-to-date version of the drivers is of the utmost importance. It is possible to update the driver and correct these types of issues using either manual or automated procedures.
We strongly recommend that you make use of the automated technique since the manual procedures are quite difficult. For this activity, the automated technique recommends that you make use of a driver updater that is among the very finest available.
Fix 2: Connected to Wi-Fi: Restart the Router.
One of the most popular answers to this issue, which is also one of the most apparent ones, is to switch off both the device and the router. After powering it down, let some time pass (in most cases, two to three minutes), then restart the associated devices. This is the simplest solution to the problem with the WiFi connection.
This will give your system and the router/modem a clean slate, allowing you to connect other people to the internet while maintaining internet access for yourself. You have to be able to access the internet and utilize it on your device instantly. However, if you are still experiencing the issue, you should go on to the next possible remedy.
Fix 3: Connected to Wi-Fi: Try Resetting the Router.
In the event that the issue of having WiFi connected but being unable to access the internet in Windows 10 continues, the next step that you can do is reset the router. Resetting a router is a pretty simple process.
Nevertheless, when you are resetting the router, you should proceed with extreme care. By resetting your router, you will also have the option to delete the router’s password. You are free to continue forward with the same if you feel comfortable with it.
Find a little hole anywhere around the device’s body and you’ll be able to reset the router. It is necessary to place a pin into the hole and then press it in order to reset the router. After the router has been reset, check to see whether the issue still exists while using the internet on the device.
Fix 4: Connected to Wi-Fi: Avoid Using a Virtual Private Network.
If the fixes presented above were unsuccessful, then maybe this one will be. If you access the internet using a virtual private network (VPN) program on your device, then you can run into issues with your WiFi connection.
This is because one of the functions of the VPN tool is to generate interference with the network. Interference causes problems with connection on occasion. Therefore, closing the VPN connection or turning it off is the most apparent course of action to take. Your computer will now be able to access a connection that is unaltered and standard once you do this.
Summing Up
You may immediately and quickly correct the problem by following these steps. We are quite positive that you will be able to resolve the issues that are plaguing your WiFi. Make use of the comments area below and ask for help if you run into any difficulties. Or if the problem continues to exist after you have tried to solve it.