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Documents Required to Register company in Nepal

Documents Required to Register company in Nepal is simply not difficult if you know the process. It might be difficult if you don’t know the process. It might be mesh and lots of problems for you. The company registration can differ according to different countries.  Before register the company name to start your own business you should know about the required documents for it.

Register company in Nepal

Basically the following documents are required to be presented at the office of the company registrar for registering a private company in Nepal: We will go in details below :
1. An application in the format as per the ‘ANUSUCHI 1’ along with a 10 rupees stamp attached to it.
2. Two copies of ‘PRABANDHA PATRA’ (Article of Association).
3. Two copies of ‘NIYAMAWALI’ (Article of Memorandum).
4. A copy of the mutual agreement (if any).
5. Attested copies of the citizenship certificates of the founder shareholders.


We have already discussed how to register a company in Nepal in another post. you can go through them if you are not aware. Here we will be discussing the documents required to register private company in Nepal

Also Read :

What is Private Company? 

Private company in Nepal is governed by the Companies Act 2006 (2063) (“Companies Act”) . The Office of Company Registrar (“OCR”) is the official authority to govern the company registration in Nepal.

This article mainly covers the registration process of companies in Nepal.

Types of companies 

Under the Companies Act 2006, the following different types of companies can be registered in Nepal

a) Private company;
b) Public company; and
c) Profit not distributing company

The basic difference in public Vs private companies

Public companies are the ability to raise the fund from the general public and run the company. Abd  general public can issue securities such as shares, bonds, or debentures. However, the private companies are restricted from doing these activities especially collecting the fund by offering the shares in such a manner. Also, the public company should have a minimum of 7 shareholders with no maximum limit but the maximum number of shareholders of a private company cannot exceed more than 101.

1.3  Similarly, profit not distributing companies can be incorporated for the following objectives:(a) development and promotion of any profession;(b) protection of collective rights and interests of the persons engaged in a specific profession or occupation; and (c) for the attainment of any scientific, academic, social, benevolent or public utility or welfare objective on the condition of not distributing dividends.

Documents Required to Register company in Nepal

1) Application according to schedule and attach with a ticket of Rs.10.

2) For the individual shareholder, we have to imply according to schedule 9 and in case of a private company, we have to imply through schedule 10’s paper 2 copies

3) The proposed company can be privately limited, public Limited, and Non-Profit Company. Documents should be prepared 2 copies of Manuals  accordingly schedule as follows :

  • If  privately limited then have to  make documents according to schedule 14
  • If the public limited company then has to make documents according to schedule 15 and
  • If the non-profit company then according to schedule 16’s manual

4) Photocopy copies of founder shareholder’s citizenship card’s certified certificate.

5) If it is right of a private limited company, if there is a unanimous contract, then its photocopy is needed.

6) If there is a need for pre-acceptance or license of bodies, then complete and fulfill it.

7) If the founder is a legal person of any Nepali company, then its certificate’s photocopy, in case of establishment of the new company, how what and how much to invest and its representative individual’s name with the director committee’s decision’s photocopy and representative’s citizenship card’s photocopy are needed.

More information on the documents for  company registration process:

Management letter and manual should be in Nepali paper or any durable paper and should have typed in one side only

Management letter and manual should be written in clear and pure Nepali Language. In the case of company invested in foreign country, it should be in clear and pure English but also need to be translated in Nepali too.

At the end of each and every paper, there should be a signature of all founder shareholders.

At the last episode or page, there should be founder shareholders’ full name, address, share numbers and signature and thumbprint of each shareholder. Each shareholder must have one witness and his/her full name, address, and signature.

If there is a provision of purchasing a share of a new company by the old company, then the economical status of old company should be illustrated clearly.

At least one founder shareholder should be able to attain and identified for the process of company registration.

6) The only hardcover file is used in the Company Register Office of Nepal

Annual descriptions and other post-registration documents

After registration of private limited, annually each company should submit the annual description documents as per company register office.


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