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Which is the Best Web Hosting in Nepal ? | Nest Nepal Hosting Review

For the Best Web Hosting in Nepal, Web hosting is crucial to decide the performance of the website and it is tough to answer which is the best and reasonable best web hosting service in Nepal. To build a business and to get an online presence website is a must. But before you build your website to take your business online, we need web hosting. Here is one of the Web Hosting in Nepal which has been Providing one of the Best Web Hosting in Nepal in terms of Quality, SSD Space, and Speed.

After Testing out Certainly Many of the Web Hosting providers in Nepal, We are glad to Mark Nest Nepal Web Hosting as the Best Hosting whether it’s WordPress Hosting, Shared Hosting, VPS Hostin,g or Reseller Hosting.

Nest Nepal Title dark x

There is no chance if You are Web Geek and You have not heard about Nest Nepal.

This blog is also running on Nest Nepal Hosting and believe us this is the best hosting in Nepal with unlimited features.

Nest Nepal is a trusted web hosting provider company in Nepal. They provide Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting, Reseller Hosting, and Dedicated server hosting. We chose Nest Nepal Web Hosting Because of its Quality, Support & Affordability

Here are the Top 10 Reasons Due to which we marked them as the Best Web Hosting in Nepal

1. Unlimited Websites, SSD & Space, Free SSL & 100% Uptime Guarantee

Well, Offering The Best Package at the Best Price without any Profit margin for Nepali Students and Business has been always the main motto of Nest Nepal. That’s the reason why they have not limited any Space, Bandwidth, Domain, Subdomain, Email, Database & Websites in a Single Package. If you go to any other host then You are always Forced to take the Higher Package to get Rich Features, But Nest Nepal has been exactly against this and they are providing every feature from the Minor Packages too making them the best web hosting in Nepal.

To Make things Best, They even Offer LITESPEED WEB SERVER as standard on all of the plans.
You’ll also get free SSL certificates so you can easily move to an HTTPS secured version as it helps you with better security and increases yours,
Here is a Screenshot Showing all The Rich Features & Unlimited Resource on The Smallest Package too (Students Hub)


Nest Nepal cpanel



2. cPanel Based Control Panel

cpanel logo

We termed Nest Nepal as the best web hosting in Nepal with a Reason and The Reason is Rather than thinking for Compromising with Quality, Features & Services. They always think about clients and That’s the best part of Nest Nepal making it the Best Web Hosting Company in Nepal. They have used Industry Standard cPanel To Make their User easier for Developing Websites, Along with cPanel they provide various features making it easy to build websites making them the best web hosting in Nepal.

What is cPanel?
cPanel is one of the most popular Linux-based control panels for web hosting accounts. It lets you conveniently manage all services in a single place. Currently, cPanel is the industry standard and most web developers are well acquainted with it.
Intuitive and easy to use, cPanel empowers you to manage a web hosting account with maximum efficiency. Whether that’s creating new FTP users and email addresses or monitoring resources, creating subdomains and installing software

Advantages of cPanel Based Control Panel :
Easy to learn
Easy to use
Saves time and money
Tried and tested
Includes software auto-installers
Plenty of tutorials/support available online



Daily Automated Cloud backups

Whether it’s Your Custom Coded CMS or a WordPress site, You love your data and You want it to be protected at Any Cost. To be added, Nest Nepal being the best web hosting in Nepal has added Offsite Cloud Backup in Every Web Hosting Plan making it easier for Developers and Bloggers to Sleep worry less at night from any of the problems and Attacks.

Nest Nepal Hosting cloud


DDOS Protection, WP Protection & Malware Removal

What do you think when your Web Hosting Provider helps to maintain the security of your WordPress site? It’s fabulous right? So is Nest Nepal, The best web Hosting in Nepal They have been providing IMMUNIFY360 Protection along with every plan so You don’t need to worry about your website’s security on every plan you choose.

All the Bruteforce attacks on your WordPress and Suspicious Activities are monitored Properly and They take aquedate actions to minimize the Possibility of your Site getting hacked.
Nest Nepal even offers you a free malware removal tool that will prevent your sites from all the security threats and malware.


How to Register np Domain Free in Nepal

Free Website Migration

Whether it is your Transfer of WordPress Site or any other CMS, Nest Nepal is always ready to help.
We have seen a lot of People Migrating from So-Called Companies claiming to be “Unlimited Web Hosting Companies, And Best Web Hosting Company ” and They are totally satisfied with Nest Nepal while you can even read their reviews on the site. They are totally transparent about their systems and Reviews. Because of Such awesome features at such a low price, We kept them as our Top Provider and Marked them as the best web hosting in Nepal.

The best thing about this you can even message them on their Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Email, or Any other possible medium and they will get back to you within 1-2 hours with Best Methods regarding website migration making it Best Web Hosting in Nepal



Best Customer Support

This is the best part I love about Nest Nepal Web Hosting, They are providing the Best Support and Priority to Customers. I have seen their Facebook Page and Found all the Five Star ratings making it the Only Web Hosting Company in Nepal Providing 24/7 Customer Support & Service. The support team of Nest Nepal is energetic, Either you have a problem with your WordPress Site or any Custom CMS they are always there to help.



Pricing and Features :

The Prices of Nest Nepal Hosting are extremely reasonable. In addition, you will receive several free bonuses. This reduces your overall cost of launching a site significantly compared to what you would have to pay with the competition.

You’ll Get Three Packages named as:
1. Students Hub
2. Developers Hub
3. Corporate Hub

a. Students Hub

This is the starter plan from Nest Nepal which costs you only Rs. 1399/YEAR which is the cheapest plan where you will have the following list of features
Unlimited SSD Storage
Unlimited Bandwidth
Litespeed Server
Softaculous Installer
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Emails
24 Hours Backup
Auto SSL


b. Developers Hub

This is the intermediate plan from Nest Nepal which costs you only Rs. 2099/YEAR which is the best plan where you will have the following list of features

Unlimited SSD Storage
Unlimited Bandwidth
Litespeed Server
Softaculous Installer
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Emails
24 Hours Backup
Auto SSL
Python & Node JS


c. Corporate Hub

This is the Premium plan from Nest Nepal which costs you only Rs. 3499/YEAR which is the expensive & Premium plan where you will have the following list of features

Unlimited SSD Storage
Unlimited Bandwidth
Litespeed Server
Softaculous Installer
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Emails
12 Hours Backup
Auto SSL
Python, Node JS & Ruby on Rails



If you are looking for a Best Web Hosting in Nepal then Never Miss Out Putting up Nest Nepal as the No. 1 in the List because of the Above Mentioned Reasons. 500+ People chosed Nest Nepal as their Best Web Hosting in Nepal and You ?


Top Recents is Regular Blogger with many types of blog with owe own blog as


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