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HomeTop Recent Blogs10 Secret and Interesting WeChat Features You may not Know

10 Secret and Interesting WeChat Features You may not Know

WeChat is being used by billion monthly active users all around the world. Out of which more than 95 percent used by Chinese users in China. Wechat mobile application has been not only the number one chat application, but it also has become one of the daily life partners over china. Slowly the application is being used internationally for different purposes. 
Not only in mobile version it has been providing wechat web services all over. 
 Secret and Interesting Wechat Features You may not Know
 Secret and Interesting Wechat Features You may not Know 

From the chatting application, it has modified for use in daily life activities like file transfer and sharing, buying and selling the different products, online gaming, online ticket booking of bus, train, and airplanes. It has also widely used for the booking of a taxi too. So, Wechat is the mainstay of modern Chinese society proving as a “super-smart app”.

There are many good features available in WeChat. Among them there are some secret WeChat features you may not know which are listed as follows:

Secret and Interesting Wechat Features You may not Know 


1. Search Nearby People

WeChat one of the good feature is that there is an interesting “search nearby people” feature. In this function it has enables people to search for other WeChat users located within your use. The option can be selected as  100m-20km.
When you find someone and want to connect with the searched person you can send them the message. When the other person accepts it then you can befriend.
wechat search Near by feature





2. QR Code as Business Card

QR code is one of the easy ways to deal with personal as well as business. This QR code can be used as a business card. If you meet someone really interesting at a business event, but you forget to bring your business cards then you can show your unique QR Code to other people and they can scan it to add you to their contacts in seconds.
QR Code As Business Card wechat feature


3. Multi-Language Animations

Wechat in the Chinese language is mostly used all over China. Whatever language you are using, there are certain words when you used in type, it will automatically convert to special effects on chatting. These are the Wechat built-in-animations. These animations are the special reaction.
 wechat built in animation feature
For example,
  •  if you type in ‘miss you’ in any language and press send, you will see built-in-animation as stars falling over the screen. 
  • If you Type in ‘xoxo’ and you will see kisses rain.
  • Wish someone ‘Happy Birthday’ and watch birthday cakes rain from the sky. 

4. Mention @Someone during group chat


you can mention the people while you type in chat. Especially this mention is used in a group chat in WeChat.  The mentioned person will be notified separately. On WeChat, if you want to mention someone in the group, you simply type @ plus the name of the person you want to notify. For example @caline (caline will be notified).

mention feature in wechat


5. Share Realtime Location

Location sharing is one of the Secret and Interesting Wechat Features You may not Know. You can share the location whenever you want. For example, if you are traveling to some unknown place and you want to send some location to someone else then you can share your current location. The shared location is a realtime location which means that the other user can see where you are reached at the current time.
wechat share realtime location

6. Send and Recieve Lucky Money or “Hong Bao” 

Lucky Money is one of WeChat  China’s favorite feature. In Chinese it is said as “Hong Bao” which means “Red Envelope” which is regarded as Luckey Money. The Red Envelope is used for sending the gift to other WeChat users. Especially this Lucky Money is used during different special occasions as in New Year’s, birthdays, graduations, weddings, new jobs, and even when someone’s in the hospital. Not only you can send Lucky Money to individuals, but it can also be sent the money in the Group as a whole. This money can be shared among the group. Sometimes people have competition overtaking the random lucky money over the group.

Wechat Hongbao features


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7. Recording of  Short Videos

WeChat has a brand new feature that allows you to take 15-20 second mini-videos you can share on WeChat, Facebook, and/or Twitter instantly. From a business perspective, you can use these mini-videos to show off your products in an interactive way. Or, you can create short videos for sharing fun or engaging content. 

8. Shake to get the Friends

Whenever you are free and if you are going to any new place if you are alone and want to get in contact with a new friend you can use the Shake function to find the people nearby. Whenever you use this feature, you need to shake your phone, and the other who is shaking and you are near are can be contacted together. 

9. Share To Social Media Like Twitter, Facebook, And Email

Wechat is a social app too. you can share your post to different social media like Twitter, Facebook. Also, you can send the shared content through the email option too.

10. Add to Favourites in Moments

You can add your moments as a post so that it will be visible to those friendliest you are with. These moments can be added as Favourite by continuously pressing over the moment. So this Favourite content can be seen later on when you need it and this can be removed after that.
So, to conclude there are any more features coming up by the wechat. 
Top Recents is Regular Blogger with many types of blog with owe own blog as


  1. great information. got to know about the secret features of we chat. wechat is really good software. i had been using since long time. its very easy to use wechat in daily life .


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