Learnign difficulty in children are one of major cause in around. Let know the Common Learning Difficulties in children and Solutions . To know the difficulties lets know the causes of learning disability lets know about the types of learning disabilities are dyslexia Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia

To overcome the these common learing difficulties in children we should know brief about the concept of learning for them . Then after we can go for dylexia treatment and dysclculi treatment. . They are most common and specific learning disabilities among all .
Common Learning Difficulties in children & Solutions
Generally when going the type of learning difficulties , there are 5 types of learning difficulties in children. They are dyslexia, dyscalcunia, attention difficulties, dysgraphia and dyspraxia . Among them dyslexia and dyscalculia are one of the specific learning difficulties. They are briefly explained as following
Dyslexia Meaning – Poor Reading
Dyslexia or dyslexia is a reading and writing disorder. This is one of the common learning disabilities with children. Children with this learning disorder have trouble recognizing words and matching letters to their sounds.. According to the Federal Dyslexia Association, between three and eight percent of children and adults in the US are dyslexic.
Symptoms of dyslexia
This learning disability in children is mostly recognized in the second year of school when the students should already have some reading and writing skills.
If a child reads unusually hesitantly, interchanges syllables, or can not reread what has been read, and makes an unusual number of errors when writing, this can be dyslexic. These are some major symptoms of dyslexia.
Dyslexia Treatment:
If one parent already has a reading and spelling disorder, this does not necessarily mean that the children will inherit this learning disorder.
There is now much scientifically-based therapy for the learning disability – dyslexia that is very helpful to the children concerned.
Dyscalculia – poor numeracy
Dyscalculia, one of the common learning difficulty and specific learning disability, is a numerical weakness that, according to healthpally, it affects around three to seven percent of people in the US.
Children with this learning disability have problems learning numeracy skills.You often see numbers only as symbols and cannot grasp the deeper meaning.
So they lack the basis to be able to work on mathematical tasks in this type of common learnign disablities
Symptoms of dyscalculia
Dyscalculia can be recognized in preschool.
The learning disabilities in children are expressed in the fact that they have difficulties with proportions such as “more” and “less”, with reading the clock or counting objects.
In primary school, children constantly need their fingers for arithmetic, have problems writing and naming numbers, mix up arithmetic operations, and take an exceptionally long time to complete their tasks.
Treatment of dyscalculia
It is controversial whether dyscalculia is a congenital learning disorder or just a result of poor teaching. Regardless of the cause – if children have a numeracy weakness, they can usually only get this under control with targeted support in and outside of school.
Dyspraxia – coordination and development disorder
Dyspraxia is a developmental and coordination disorder in which certain neurons in the brain that are related to coordination are not properly networked. One of the Common Learning Difficulties in children is this also
A distinction is made between motor dyspraxia, in which those affected are unable to perform actions correctly, and ideator dyspraxia, in which the actions in the head cannot be planned correctly.
Symptoms of dysparaxia:
At first glance, children with dyspraxia often seem clumsy and often injure themselves.
Dyspraxia often leads to learning disabilities in children, either because students have difficulty writing or planning what they are writing. Even everyday life itself is difficult for them to get used to.
Treatment of dyspraxia
Dyspraxia has received little attention in Europe so far. The affected children are usually dismissed as clumsy. If parents suspect that their child has this coordination disorder, a physician is a right person to contact. He can help establish an appropriate treatment plan.
Experts such as speech therapists or occupational therapists help the child to control his motor skills and teach him new learning strategies. Solutions for the student can also be found in school, e.g. by receiving the same work as his classmates for less solved tasks or by giving more weight to his willingness to perform than the performance itself.
Giftedness: specific learning disability
One speaks of giftedness when a person has an intelligence quotient of over 130. According to the Karg specialist portal gifted, this only applies to two percent of people worldwide. giftedness is also one of the Common Learning Difficulties . This gifted childrent or giftedness is specific learning disabililty
Gifted children have above-average skills and interests. And yet gifted people are often classified as a learning disability.
Because: gifted students often feel under-challenged and cannot get excited about the lessons. That affects their performance.
Symptoms on giftedness
Gifted children have a large vocabulary for their age, understand connections unusually quickly, and have an extraordinary gift for observation.
In class, gifted students are often bored, do not follow the lessons, and sometimes prefer to play the class clown.
It happens that gifted people are bullied as nerds and know-it-alls.
Most of the time they are ahead of their age and are interested in things beyond their age range.
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Treatment for giftedness
Giftedness is not a disease and does not need to be cured. But for the children to develop well and have a happy life, they need special support.
This could be skipping a grade or attending a special afternoon class to develop interests and skills.
So, in conclusion, to overcome the Common Learning Difficulties , they should be well known and dyslexia treatment, dyscalculia treatment, and dyspraxia treatment should be done at right time.