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HomeBest Health BlogsUnderstanding Male Infertility: Diagnosis,  Treatment Options and Building a Family.

Understanding Male Infertility: Diagnosis,  Treatment Options and Building a Family.

Infertility affects both men and women. Male infertility is a condition that impacts people who receive the gender male at birth (AMAB) and interferes with their reproductive system’s ability to become pregnant with a person given female at birth (the AFAB).

Male infertility occurs if you have had repeated sexual encounters without protection for longer than a year and your AFAB partner fails to get pregnant.

For the best consultation on male infertility treatment in Delhi, you can reach out to Femmenest Fertility Center, (infertility clinic) which has highly advanced techniques and a modern approach to therapy with expert and experienced medical professionals in reproduction.

Symptoms of Male Infertility

The primary symptom of male infertility is the inability to conceive biological kids. However, infertility among men can cause a variety of psychological and emotional signs, such as Depression. Loss. Grief. Inadequacy. Failure.

Symptoms of Male Infertility
Symptoms of Male Infertility

If you or your partner suffer from any of these feelings, you need to see a therapist or a psychiatrist.

Causes of Male Infertility

Male infertility has been associated with low testosterone production in the testicles. Symptoms of this medical condition may include fatigue, impotence, depression, gaining weight, and inaction.

If you or your partner have these symptoms, consult with male infertility experts or a reproductive endocrinologist.

Causes of Male Infertility
Causes of Male Infertility

Several biological and environmental factors can contribute to male infertility. This includes:

  • Sperm abnormalities include malformed testosterone,
  • a low number of sperm (oligospermia),
  • and an absence of sperm in your sperm (azoospermia).
  • Genetic disorders involve the syndrome of Klinefelter and myotonic dystrophy.
  • Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders that attack sperm, and cystic fibrosis (CF).
  • Infections include epididymitis and orchitis, as well as sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and HIV.
  • Vein swelling in your testicles (varicoceles).
  • Treatments for cancer include chemotherapy,
  • Hormonal disorders affecting either the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland

Diagnosis and Tests

A primary care physician (PCP) may identify male infertility. They can additionally refer you to a urologist who specializes in male infertility or a sexual endocrinologist.

A PCP will conduct a thorough physical examination to assess your overall health and identify any medical conditions that could affect your fertility. They can additionally ask you and your partner questions about your sexual habits as well as medical history, like:

  • How long have you been attempting to make your partner pregnant?
  • Have you gotten a partner pregnant before? Have you ever tested positive for STIs?
  • Have you previously been treated for an STI?
  • Have you ever used birth control (birth control)?
  • Has a medical professional diagnosed any of your biological family members with male infertility?
  • Do you smoke, drink, or take recreational/nonprescription drugs?
  • Which medicines do you take?

If your physical examination and health history indicate no apparent cause of male infertility, the doctor may order tests.

Tests for Male Infertility

A semen analysis is one of the most common tests used by medical professionals to diagnose infertility in men. It is a test in the laboratory of a sperm sample that looks at both the amount and quality of your sperm.

The following tests might help identify or determine the root cause of male infertility:

Imaging tests—Noninvasive tests such as sound waves or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) may be used in addition to invasive procedures such as venograms.

Urine testing (test) – A urine (pee) test can help identify STIs and diabetes.

A testicular biopsy – A supplier will remove a small amount of testicular tissue to determine the extent to which your testicle generates sperm.

Suggest to read:- Is AMH Test Right for you? Exploring AMH Test Cost and More

Treatment Options

Male infertility can be changed through a variety of options available for male infertility treatment in Delhi. According to the cause, your treatment could include the following:

Lifestyle changes

  • Keeping a healthy weight for yourself.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits.
  • Regular exercises 
  • Managing stress.
  • Stop smoking, drinking, and using recreational or illicit substances.
  • I am avoiding the use of sexual lubricants.


The use of hormones can help control excessively high or low levels of hormones, which may impact sperm quality. You may also need to prevent using or find alternatives to particular drugs, including Tricyclic antidepressants. Blockers of calcium channels. Anti-androgens.

Surgical Operations

  • Vasectomy reversal

If you had a vasectomy to keep sperm from entering your sperm, a vasectomy reversal reconnects your vas deferens gland and allows you to conceive again.

  • Vasoepididymostomy

This procedure removes the blockage of your epididymitis and prevents the form from going into your uterus.

  • Sperm retrieval

To get rid of sperm from your testicles or epididymis, your doctor will perform a biopsy.

  • Varicocelectomy

This is a condition in which blood collects in the testicles as a result of scrotal veins that become varicose. It might hurt sperm quality.

Why Choose Femmenest?

Femmenest Fertility Center is supported by experienced fertility specialists, fertility-trained nurses, lab technicians, and researchers who are educated and dedicated to providing high-quality patient care. Our team of male infertility treatments in Delhi is committed to helping you expand your family.

Our wide variety of infertility assessments may assist in underlying the root cause of infertility in couples, allowing them to choose the appropriate treatment course.

If you are looking to get rid of male fertility treatment in Delhi, check out Femmenest Fertility. The dedication, commitment, and highly advanced approach to reproduction will solve your fertility disorders.



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