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What Happens During The Twin Flame Separation Stage?

If you follow the posts on social media, the twin flame journey can feel like a walk in the park. Don’t get me wrong, of course, I think this might be the most important thing you’ll ever do, but too often we overlook the twin flames separation phase.

We need to clarify immediately: opinions differ here as to whether or not the twin flame separation is a ‘phase’. It’s a term we use for convenience, but it can actually happen repeatedly and is more of a process for both twins working toward unity than a single stage in the journey.

I’m not going to get bogged down in terminology here, because it doesn’t really matter if we consider it a scenario or not. What matters is that we understand what is happening, why it is happening and (most importantly) what we should do about it.

What Is This Separation ‘Stage’ A Bad Thing? Is it Common?

I have mentioned the separation phase in so many other posts because it happens to almost everyone.

It is a stage where one twin will find (or invent) a reason to get away from the other. Sometimes this can be an emotional refuge where they are simply not “romantically available” and sometimes they will create a physical distance and prevent you from contacting them.

There are those who are lucky enough to meet their twin flames after they are both spiritually ready for the union and they skip this stage entirely. If this is you? Fantastic. You managed to skip what is arguably the hardest part of the entire trip (this life at least).

I have spoken to literally thousands of people about their journey with the twin flame. The vast, vast majority go through this stage, so whether you do it or not doesn’t say anything about your journey one way or another. It just depends on when you are.

Twin flame separation phase is quite different from normal ratio separation. Like, different day and night. It can feel horrible as if our entire life has been ruined in the blink of an eye.

The same intense, burning love that makes a twin flame relationship so intense is the same thing that makes any kind of spit or separation so excruciating. While it can be incredibly difficult to continue, reaching this stage is incredibly rare and should not be taken for granted.

What Causes the Separation Phase?

It may seem like an event or situation triggers it, but generally this is an excuse the runner’s twin flame will tell you (and themselves). The real real cause is that you are not ready to unionize yet.

Soulmates are mirror souls. They mirror each other, which means that when both are ready, they push each other to new heights and closeness. If you find yourself before you are ready, you also reflect negative qualities. There are no faults or problems to hide from a mirror soul, which is why the separation phase can be so emotionally charged.

I know this phase can be brutally painful (trust me, I know), but it’s actually a good thing. Most people will not meet their twin flame in this lifetime, so while it can be physically, emotionally and spiritually draining, it is actually a very good sign.

I know that doesn’t help much while you’re going through this phase, but trust me. It’s worth it.

Who Causes the Separation Phase?

This is something important that I think we should try to understand. It’s all too often that the twin flame runner is blamed for just not “understanding.” It can seem like they have it easy and the fighter is the one who has to deal with the hardships of it all.

This part of the journey can hurt – and it’s all too easy to project that pain.

It’s understandable, it happens, but it won’t do either of you any good. The sooner you can break that habit, the better. Negative baggage like this will only make the separation last longer.

Remember that you and your twin flame are two parts of the same soul. You both cause it.

What About Twin Flames Separated by Distance?

It is not at all uncommon for twin flames to deal with a difference in physical distance, but 999 meaning twin flames separated or distance may or may not go through an actual phase of separation.

It’s not uncommon for the runner’s angel number 1010 twin flame to give the fighter and herself an excuse as to why they can’t be together right now. Sometimes a physical barrier makes for an easy scapegoat. I’ve seen it often enough to say it’s pretty common, but it’s also possible that you’re really ready to unionize and that external circumstances are the only thing keeping you apart right now.

It is impossible for me to say exactly what is happening and apply it to everyone, but remember that doubt often occurs during the earlier

Twin Flame Separation Symptoms

Before I cover any of these, I want you to remember that no two twin soul journeys are ever exactly alike. You can see all these separation symptoms, a combination of some of them and it is quite possible not to notice any of them at all. Doubt is a common part of this journey and the more you take the time to understand it, the more you will see symptoms and signs that will lead you on the right path.

These are some common divorce symptoms, but don’t take them as a hard line.



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