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Section Targeting in Google Adsense for good cpm ads

Section Targeting in Google Adsense for cpm ads and get benefits from these simple tips and tricks. Soon your CPC and CPM rates will get advantage from section targeting technique beside top ranking keywords. Not only you can use top-ranking keywords on google for the good CPC and CPM, but Section Targeting for good CPC and CPM in Google Adsense is also a good strategy.
Section Targeting for good CPC and CPM in Google Adsense
Section Targeting for good CPC and CPM in Google Adsense

What is Section Targeting for good CPC and CPM?

Section Targeting is a mechanism in a website or blog to ensure that the algorithm gets the right content to decide about showing the advertisement. Section Targeting for good CPC and CPM in Google Adsense for your website is important. Section Targeting in Google Adsense for CPM ads is very important for good Adsense ads in your site.
This mechanism is very simple. You just need to put Section Targeting “section start” and “section end” markers in your blog’s code to tell the algorithm about the content for showing the advertisement on your website.
Regarding the target in Google Adsense. Google has provided the following HTML tags. These tags are recognized by the Google ad-serving algorithm :

Is it worth doing the Section Targeting for good CPC and CPM?

Yes, it is a good idea to implement section targeting while using Google AdSense contextual ads. It will help ad serving algorithm to select the best CPM google ads to be shown on your webpage. This would help increase your AdSense CPC and CPM rates directly. you can also check max CPC bid calculator online also to get your quality CPM Google ads on your website. you must know how to do  Section Targeting in Google Adsense for cpm ads .

How to do section Targeting for good CPC and CPM?

This is a google start section and the end section can be posted. The start and end section for google Adsense is as follows:

codes for good  cpm ads

<!– google_ad_section_start –>
<!– google_ad_section_end –>
In the case of WordPress also, you may consider enclosing the_content() function within these Sections.  The example for the Targeting tags is as follows for the WordPress “the_content()” function.
<!– google_ad_section_start –>
 <div class=”entry-content”>
<?php the_content(); ?></div>
<!– google_ad_section_end –>

Ignoring in Section targeting code

If you want some portion of web page to be ignored by the AdSense ad serving algorithm; you can add “weight=ignore” to the start tag in your section code .
 For example, if you want comments on your page should be ignored –then WordPress code could look like this:
<!– google_ad_section_start weight=ignore –>
<?php comments_template( ”, true ); ?>
<!– google_ad_section_end –>
I hope this AdSense tip was useful for you. Properly using AdSense ensures that you earn better income from your online business. Do let me know if you have any questions regarding this. Happy blogging!
Top Recents is Regular Blogger with many types of blog with owe own blog as toprecents.com



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