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HomeBest Travel BlogsHidden Gems of London: Beyond the Tourist Traps

Hidden Gems of London: Beyond the Tourist Traps


Hey there, traveler! So, you’ve heard of the famous London spots like Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, right? But guess what, there’s more to London than those shiny postcard places. Let’s dive deep and discover the lesser-known bits of this great city.

The Old and Mysterious: London Spots Most Folks Miss

London’s a city that’s been around for, like, forever. And it’s got cool, hidden places that aren’t packed with tourists snapping photos.

  • Little Venice: Now, don’t get too excited. It’s not exactly like the real Venice, but it’s close. There are these pretty canals and small ipsaya boats floating around. It’s super peaceful, and you can even grab a coffee at one of those tiny cafes by the water.
  • Daunt Books: If you’re into reading, you’ll love this place. Located in Marylebone, this bookstore is old school with wooden shelves, ladders, and loads of books. It’s like stepping into a movie set.
  • Eel Pie Island: Sounds weird, right? This spot on the Thames River used to be all about music back in the 1960s. Bands would play, and folks would dance. These days, it’s more of a quiet place where artists hang out.

Hidden London Green Pockets: Nature Right in the Middle of the Buzz

Amidst all the busy roads and big buildings, London‘s got these sweet green spots where you can just sit and chill.

  • Postman’s Park: It’s like a secret garden right in the city center. There’s a touching corner that remembers people who did brave things to save others. It’s kind of sad, but also uplifting.
  • The Seven Noses of Soho: This one’s a fun challenge! There are these nose sculptures stuck on buildings around Soho. It’s like a treasure hunt, but with noses.
  • The Phoenix Garden: Hidden in the busy West End, this garden is like an oasis. Great spot to take a break and maybe have a sandwich.

Tasty Hidden London Spots: Because We All Love to Eat

London’s full of places to eat, from big restaurants to tiny stalls. But there are some hidden gems that not everyone knows about.

  • Flat Iron Square: Tucked away in Southwark, this place is a dream for food lovers. Stalls with all kinds of food. Try a bit of this, a bit of that.
  • Moro: This one’s in Exmouth Market. They serve food that’s a mix of Spanish and something called Moorish. Not your usual burger and fries, but super tasty.
  • Barrafina: Hidden on Dean Street, this place is all about tapas – small Spanish dishes. There’s no booking; just turn up and hope there’s space.

Artsy Hidden London Spots: Because There’s More Than Just the Big Museums

Apart from the big, famous museums, London’s got some quirky and fun spots for the artsy folks.

  • God’s Own Junkyard: Over in Walthamstow, this place is wild. It’s full of neon signs. Some old, some new, all super colorful.
  • Hunterian Museum: Okay, this one might not be for everyone. It’s got jars with medical things inside. A bit creepy, but super interesting.
  • The Cartoon Museum: Close to the British Museum, this fun place celebrates all things cartoon. From old comics to new ones.

FAQs (Because Everyone’s Got Questions)

  1. Will these places be super crowded?

    Nope, not like the main attractions. But sometimes, they can get a bit busy.
  2. Should I book in advance?

    For food places like Moro, maybe. But places like Barrafina don’t let you book.
  3. How do I get to these spots?

    London’s got buses and trains that are pretty easy to use. Most of these spots are close to stations.
  4. Can I take my kids?

    Yeah, mostly. But maybe skip the Hunterian Museum with really young ones. Might be a bit much for them.

To Wrap Things Up…

So there you have it. London’s not just about the big, famous stuff. It’s got hidden corners and secret gardens. It’s got tiny food stalls and quirky museums. Next time you’re in town, maybe skip the long line at the London Eye and go find a hidden gem instead. It’s like being part of a secret club. Have fun, and remember to keep an open mind. Who knows what you’ll discover next? Safe travels, friend.



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