Saturday, February 15, 2025
HomeTop Recent MessagesHappy father's day sms

Happy father’s day sms

If the relationship of father to son could really be reduced to biology,
The whole earth would blaze with the glory of fathers and sons.
Happy Father’s Day.=================

I know just the person who needs,
“101 Ways to Be a Great Dad”.
Don’t worry it isn’t you.
Happy Father’s Day!

Thanks for being there through the tears,
Laughter and dirty diapers.
Happy Father’s Day!

Having You For A Dad
Was the best beginning I could’ve had…
Ever since that you’ve made sure it gets only better!
You mean the world to me!
Happy Father’s Day


U r every thing to me…..
Whom i can share my all secrets….
U r always there to help me……
May u live long.!!
Happy Father’s Day


Daddy, I love you so,
You are my inspiration,
You are a picture of strength and serenity,
and I shall love you till eternity!
“Happy Fathers Day

I know just the person who needs,
101 Ways to Be a Great Dad.
Don’t worry it isn’t you.
Happy Fathers Day

I wish u all the best in life and long life.
U r the reason i’m here and everything what i am.
Thank you 4 what u done 4 me.
Happy father’s day

A father is like a god who gives all the happiness to his son,
I cant live without you dad,
I love you dad,


My dear FATHER!
I owe U the debt of life ,
Its infinity, colors, sounds & feelings i experience.
Plz accept my gratitude on this very special day,
Although every moment of my life is a gift from you.
“Happy Fathers Day”


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