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HomeBest Mobile BlogsAndroid Vs iOS: Which One to Pick to Elevate Your Business?

Android Vs iOS: Which One to Pick to Elevate Your Business?

If you are thinking of developing a mobile app for your business to gain a competitive edge, you are not alone. But sometimes it may become a matter of thought for all the developers and businesses whether to proceed with iOS or Android. Are you also stuck at the point i.e., Android vs iOS? It is indeed quite challenging to pick one between these two and it becomes more tough when you don’t know about each of those in detail. It is necessary to know which one suits well or is apt for your business to achieve the desired outcome or success. 

Each (Android or iOS) comes with its benefits and drawbacks so before choosing one, you should try to know about both in-depth. So, let’s start directly by knowing about the merits and demerits of Andrido or iOS and what are the major differences between them. 

Android vs iOS: Things to consider to choose the right platform

Android vs iOS isn’t too straightforward as you need to thoroughly think about which one suits your business well. So, before proceeding further with one platform, make sure you carefully think about the given pointers. 

Identify your Target Audience

The first and foremost thing is that you need to identify who will be using your app more and this is your target audience. If they are more focused on using iPads or iPhones, iOS App development is the right choice. On the other hand, if there are largely active Android users, proceeding with Android app development is the ideal way to go further. 

Development cost

Budget is another factor that needs more attention than any other thing as it can easily influence your choice regarding the platform for your app development. iOS app development demands more money due to the rigid design guidelines and proprietary language. Whereas, Android app development shows lower costs because it is based on open-source coding languages like Java or Kotlin. Besides this, it offers a huge sense of flexibility during the development process. 

Determine desired features and performance expectations

You also need to consider or think carefully about the aspect of features that you want to include in your mobile app. Certain functionalities may function on one platform or not on another because of the architecture of the operating system. It mainly included speed, user experience, interface, and security measures. 

Android vs iOS: Merits and Demerits

No matter what platform you choose between Android vs iOS, it is necessary to have an understanding beforehand of why one out of both is ideal for your business and what challenges can emerge in the future. 

Merits and Demerits of iOS App Development

When we talk of iOS app development in particular, here are all the merits and demerits of the same. 

Merits of iOS App Development 

Let’s start with the advantages one can get for their business by choosing iOS App Development. 

High Performance

When creating an app or having an idea of the same, it’s always significant to consider its performance in the first place. The technologies that lie behind the creation of an iOS app permit the formation of a high-performing app that is effortless to use. 

Refined UI/UX

When comparing Android vs iOS, UI/UX is not the first thing that comes into mind as various other factors are more crucial than this. But, Apple insists on following certain guidelines to follow while creating an app through iOS App development. It will not let you create a poorly designed app as the guidelines automatically lead you to build an effective or attractive product. 

Working in a single ecosystem

iOS apps have one trace in common which makes it preferable for all the developers. It means that there is no need to create different apps for every platform as it is all based on a single ecosystem. Thus, anyone can download the same app on every device supporting the same platform. If you want something like that for your business, hire iOS app developer who can help with this with their expertise.

Demerits of iOS App Development

iOS app development having these advantages is not perfect at all as there are some demerits present as well so take a look at each one of those. 

Issues in customization

Most of the developers witnessed that iOS imposed a certain set of limitations on customization. It means that you have to integrate many third-party software to have the desired feature. 

Environment demands are rigid

If you are thinking of building a native app, the needed software for this is XCode. The main problem that comes ahead in this case is that it demands a Mac platform. Thus, you have to buy a single Apple device to create one iOS app.

Merits and Demerits of Android App Development

While comparing Android vs iOS takes place, everything needs to be evaluated. Android also has some good things but has some disadvantages as well. If you know how to tackle all the disadvantages, the pros become more valuable for you. 

Merits of Android App development

Begin with taking a look at the merits of Android app development without wasting any time.

Flexible Environment

In Android vs iOS, Android comes on the top in terms of environment flexibility. In Android, there seem no issues in hardware compatibility. Thus, Android apps can be developed with Java and any other major platform supporting this language. Hire Android app developers for you and make everything easier. 

Presence of One Ecosystem

You don’t have to create Android apps for different platforms or versions like you need to do with iOS apps.

Huge Knowledge base

Everything you need to know or require regarding Android App development is available and easily accessible through Google. The needed material for the development of Android apps is available for free of cost so you won’t feel too much hectic while doing it. 

Demerits of Android app development

Just like Android app development has some merits, some demerits also exist on the other side thus it is necessary to know about those as well.

Higher costs

Android app development only seems easy but it is not in reality as you need to disburse more time and money to hire dedicated developers. Due to the complications present in the Andriod testing, the costs may also rise for the same. 

Security issues

Developers try their best to safeguard sensitive information by implementing as many security protocols as possible. However, it is not too easy to keep every bit of information safe in an open-source platform. Cyberattacks are likely to happen and in some cases, problems arise with the security of the users’ information. 

Concluding Thoughts!

Picking or moving further with the right platform in the competition of Android vs iOS is not easy at all as they both have their merits and demerits. iOS on one side stands rigidly with its huge market size and robust performance. Conversely, Android is one step ahead in the realm of customization and affordability. Don’t worry if you find yourself in a dilemma, OrangeMantra is here for you. We have expertise in both and lend our hand at any time for your help to fulfill your business objectives. You can also build your team by hiring our competent developers under our IT Staff Augmentation services. 



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