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HomeBest Health BlogsAdvantages and Disadvantages of Treadmill

Advantages and Disadvantages of Treadmill

Advantages and Disadvantages of Treadmill Know it before you are buying for your use

During quarantine, we all felt stuck as our activities were restricted. And one of the major issues for us is how to stay fit in covid duration. That’s why many people decided to purchase home fitness tools.

The treadmill is one of the famous home fitness machines, as it offers quick and effective training. It is an excellent way to start a new workout habit as most people will endure running. After improving endurance and fitness, the treadmill can also be used for interval training.

Although, treadmills are not flawless. They also have downsides, so it’s crucial to understand both ends of the tool. So, before you step on the treadmill, consider the advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Treadmill
Advantages and Disadvantages of Treadmill


Health Benefits

Treadmill training is an excellent way to strengthen your back muscles and bones while burning calories. Furthermore, exercising out on this tool improves your body’s oxygen capacity.

It’s recommended for diabetic people to exercise regularly and keep their blood sugar levels in check. If you’re not into physical activities, this equipment will give the enthusiasm!

Moreover, treadmills are a perfect method to maintain your heart fit and healthy. They’re also suitable for heart problems like hypertension or an unstable pulse.

Though, it helps to improve blood flow in the body while reducing symptoms!

Getting in shape

Everyone loves to be in shape, but most people all around the world are so busy to sign up for a gym. That may be an excuse for most of us, but how can we just stop making excuses and lose some weight to get in the ideal shape?

When you own a treadmill at home, there will be no more excuses for a 30-minute daily walking. Of course, there is a wide range of treadmills to choose from. Some of them occasionally specialized for house use. So, you don’t have to worry about the space you will need for placing the treadmill throughout your house.

Prepare for the Race

You can prepare for a race by running on a treadmill. The treadmill has a level surface with smoothness; it will help you get ahead of yourself for the race on a track. Furthermore, you’ll be ready to train despite the weather outdoors.

Controlling Features

Many fitness devotees prefer this machine as it is straightforward. It monitors your improvements and the duration of time with many other factors. You can adjust your session specifics such as pace, tilt, and much more with a few buttons!

Not only can you customize plans, but there are so many extra options, including pedometers or heart monitors. These features make the fitness monitoring system much easier!

Weight loss

Treadmill running helps you to weight loss and get you in perfect shape, however, always choose the appropriate treadmill for weight loss goals. You can lose 100 calories by running a mile. It would take just ten to fifteen minutes of running for a normal person.

So, you can make a schedule for short intervals with some relaxing breaks. It will help to increase your flexibility while losing weight.


Whenever it belongs to treadmill features, the options are unlimited. You can design your track plan and face any environment or weather.

Exercising with this equipment can promote your life quality by allowing you to fit and be strong. It maintains bone strength while also boosting the muscle strength of your body!




Since the treadmill is an expensive piece of equipment, you must be confident that you will use it. For example, some devices can be as costly as $2000. As a result, only buy a treadmill if you need to use it regularly.

Computer-Aided Design

A treadmill is a tool that needs to be operated by an expert. It can be difficult for users to maintain the proper cleaning. Computerized processes are not user-friendly, causing the journey to be less exciting.


When taking such enormous machinery into your house, it’s crucial to evaluate the space required. It might involve 36 inches wide and 72 long, which implies there is no space left on top of the interiors.

Joints Pain

Another disadvantage of treadmill exercise is that it causes stress on your joints. Even though they are designed to withstand any effects on health, various joints are prone to injury. Prolonged treadmill activities cause damage to the spine, knee, and sacroiliac joint. To avoid this, try switching up your fitness plan regularly.


Treadmills are an effective tool for contouring and staying fit and active. They do have some disadvantages, but their positives overshadow these disadvantages. All in one, possessing a treadmill can help you to stay healthy and more important, will help you to stay in shape.

Everyone may have gained some weight during the quarantine and most don’t feel like going to the gym as they did. So, why not get a treadmill for daily exercise at home?



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