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HomeUncategorized15 Ways to Boost Windows Speed by Yourself

15 Ways to Boost Windows Speed by Yourself

Ways to Boost Windows Speed of windows on our computer we should know well. Windows operating system is world widely used. Different versions of windows are being updated timely by its owner Microsoft Company. We can do the repair of computers in many ways to make windows faster.   Here we will be discussing about 15 Ways to Boost Windows Speed with easy following methods

15 Ways to Boost Windows Speed by Yourself

From defragging the disk might not be only the way to increase the performance,  there are lots of ways to boost windows speed.

15 Ways to Boost Windows Speed by Yourself

1.) To decrease a system’s boot time and increase system performance use defragment regularly

2.) Insceare or add up your computer memory to improve system performance.

3.) Utilizing the NTFS file system in your windows. NTFS is secure and fast in comparison to FAT system of your hard disk while installing the windows operating system

4.) Disable file indexing system on your computer.  The indexing service can make your searching preference fast but it can slow down your computer so better disable this indexing system

5.) Update the PC’s video and motherboard chipset drivers if you are using an old gadget computer. Also, you can update and configure the BIOS.

6.) Empty the Windows Prefetch folder every one month or so. Windows can “prefetch” portions of data and applications that are used frequently.

7.) Rund Disk Clean up Once a month  in order to clean up unwanted files and folders

8) Remove all spyware from the computer to make free of spyware and malware. You can use free programs such as AdAware by Lavasoft or SpyBot Search & Destroy to remove them.

9) Remove unnecessary programs and/or items from Windows Startup  You can do it by using “msconfig” utility in your computer.

10.) Remove unnecessary and unused programs by removing them from the Add/Remove Programs section of the Control Panel.

11.) Remove unnecessary animations, and disable active desktop. In fact, for optimal performance, turn off all animations, this will make the windows fast.

12.) Remove unnecessary windows services there are lot of windows services on your computer. you can remove unnecessary services.

13.) System fonts can also slow your operating system as they are loaded while starting the Windows operating system. so you can remove them from your operating system 

14.) Keep updated of your Antivirus Software. it’s better to use the activated version rather than the pirated or cracked version of antivirus.

15.) Download the Microsoft update regularly and update the critical updates only. updating all the updates can also lower your operating system so. update just only the needed one.







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