Mental health solutions are not only a physical health issue. It’s also a mental health issue. Mental health recovery addresses the physical, mental, and emotional components of health and well-being. Mental health recovery is a process of restoring balance to the whole person.
As a society, we are learning more and more about the importance of mental health in our daily lives. It defines who we are as a person, and our role in a household, community, and nation. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is a “state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”.
Mental health disorders or issues are prevalent throughout the world. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one in five adults in the United States suffer from at least one mental illness. They are one of the major causes of morbidity, disability, or premature mortality. Finding cause and improve mental health can be solution to the mental health problems too.

Unlike physical injuries, mental illnesses are difficult to see with the naked eye. Diagnosis mental health might be difficult sometimes. That is why there is a lot of stigma and illiteracy around mental health.
Here are some simple, easy ways to take care Mental Health Solutions:
1.Stay Physically Active
There has been abundant research on how physical activity can positively impact your physical health. But, now research also shows that physical activity is good, not only for the body but also for the mind. Even small amounts of activity can act as a stress reliever in adults. Research has shown that increased physical activity decreases symptoms of depression in adults or even reduces the risk of developing depression in young adults.
Research has shown that youth who participate in physical activity as a leisure time activity show higher levels of competence, confidence, and self-satisfaction. Playing sports also builds a sense of camaraderie and improves team-building skills. One also builds resilience, leadership, and self-esteem.
Going for a walk, or doing light exercises at home is also a good option. Whatever the method, it is recommended to get a weekly 150 minutes of exercise that raises your heart level. While physical activity doesn’t replace other mental health services, its effect on the mental health and social well-being of individuals is enormous.
2. Do Yoga and Meditation
Yoga is a form of low-intensity exercise. Yogasan for mental health has many positive effects . So the known benefits of exercise on mental health and the positive implications of Yoga and meditation have large effects on improving someone’s mental health.
Yoga has been shown to reduce stress hormones while increasing “feel-good hormones” like endorphins and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). These chemicals reduce anxiety and promote good moods. Long term cure for Mental Health Solutions
The effects of yoga are more diverse. Research has shown that regular yoga can slow the aging process and improve cognitive function and memory. Researchers compared the effects of doing 45 minutes of yoga to reading or listening to relaxation music and discovered that the positive chemicals were greater in those who chose yoga.
Dr. Corinna Keenmon, Houston Methodist’s medical director of psychiatry and telepsychiatry said “Yoga can help lower our fight, flight or freeze response by activating our parasympathetic nervous system and lowering negative emotions like depression, anxiety, and anger,”
3. Reduce Your Screen Time
In this age of technology, we all have our phones within reach at all times. From the moment we wake up in the mornings to our alarms to the moment we fall asleep with our phones charging beside us, rarely we are ever alone. Now, research has been surfacing about the effects of extended screen time on our mental health.
Most research focuses on the effects on children and adolescents where effects range from depression to anxiety and brain fog. Most times screen times correlate with reduced physical activity thus increasing chances of obesity and exacerbating negative effects.
These relationships have been shown in adults as well. The more we are busy with screens, the less time we spend outdoors and the less “green time” we get. With technology, there have been many opportunities to work from home. 53% of people working in information communication have opted to work from home thus many people are at the risk of increased screen time than recommended.
Overindulgence in technology has been shown to have detrimental effects. There needs to be balance in anything we do to maintain mental stability.
In this IT era stay away for limited time leads and ideal cure in Mental Health Solutions
4. Get Enough Sleep
Sleep and mental health have a close-knit relationship. Sleep can affect our mental health, and state of mind and any mental health problems can cause rifts in our sleep cycle thus exacerbating the effects of such problems. Sleeping difficulties can have underlying issues such as insomnia, bipolar disorder, or depression.
Before such problems arise, we can choose to maintain a healthy sleeping schedule. There is integral brain activity in sleep. In NREM (non-active eye movement), brain activity slows down, and in REM sleep, brain activity is rapid and so this is also why we dream. These stages of brain activity allow the brain to enable better thinking, decision-making, learning, and memory.
REM sleep, in particular, is essential for the brain to process information and evaluate thoughts and memories. Lack of sleep deprives the brain of thoroughly going over these emotions and can lead to reduced positive feelings. Feelings of contentment are also decreased with lack of sleep. That is why lack of sleep is tied to mental health disorders, especially depression and suicidal thoughts.
It is recommended to get at least 5 hours of sleep every night for a stable mental and emotional state.
5. Get Therapy or Professional Help
There is a belief that everyone, not only those with mental health issues should seek out therapy. This is because we can all benefit from getting a greater understanding of ourselves and our surroundings. Therapy includes trained professionals who help people cope with daily or unusual stresses, help them change the way they interact with people around them, and can make them happier.
Talking about the past, present and the possible future with a therapist can help you put ur emotions and goals into perspective. They are especially helpful when dealing with significant crises, going through a major life transition, or facing problems in a relationship. Talking with a professional can help you be open about your issues and start work to improve them. Therapy is a major form of stress management.
In conclusion, mental health is a constantly changing state. Getting simple Mental Health Solutions is Taking care of our mental and emotional state is important for all facets of our lives.
Yogasan for mental health, getting professional assistance, staying active and getting adequate sleep are major elements to be taken care. Everything starts with our minds We need to put the stigma of mental health behind us and work towards a future where we are all in touch with our emotions.